Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I wish I could say that there was a reason behind purchasing this Little People garage for Jack.....but there wasn't. He wasn't even especially well behaved that day . Truthfully we are both getting tired of playing with the same toys and bad weather has made it difficult to get out each day and play. Nonetheless, here are some pictures of Jack and Daddy playing with cars!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Grandma's visit

We went to Chuck E. Cheese's yesterday for lunch and here are a few pictures. We had a great time except Jack didn't want to leave and had a melt-down. In his defense, it was very close to naptime.
Jack saw "Ford" so we had to try it out. He was getting mad when I wouldn't let him "drive" (by drive I mean, crash into other vehicles, and go into the grass) so I finally had to give up my chance for victory to make him happy. We came in last place.
Jack wasn't sure he wanted to be on the horse once it started moving.
This was more his speed.
Whack-A-Mole (or Whack an ABC) with Grandma.
Shooting hoops back home. Nice chest-pass, Grandma!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Just a few cute pics of Jack enjoying a pear after our morning of fun the other day.

Hangin' out

We had some warm weather the past few days and Jack got very used to playing outside. After playing with his golf set, t-ball set, and playing on the climber/slide...we decided to make use of his new picnic table and I brought out paper and markers. He had a lot of fun -- especially once I started making the letters of the alphabet. He kept squealing, "Mommy you make B", or "Mommy make big C, little c". He is CRAZY about letters!!! After we finished the alphabet, I had to start over and do it again. He is such a two year old! I usually have to do things at least 3 times before he can move on to something else. Anyway, I'm glad we took advantage of the warmer weather because yesterday it was gloomy and about 50 degrees and it hasn't reached 30 degrees yet today!! Needless to say, we'll be staying indoors today!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Golf lesson

This afternoon we finally opened the golf set Jack got from Mommaw and Poppaw for Christmas. He hasn't quite gotten the hang of it but had a great time.

Playing with Lucy and Kirby

Jack was running around the family room and kitchen the other night dragging a throw from the couch. Kirby thought it would be fun to step on it while Jack was running. Jack, losing his balance and almost biting it on the tile, found this quite hilarious!
"Toro! Toro!"
"Lucy want to play?"
"Your turn, Kirby"

Monday, January 7, 2008

Feeling better

It was about 75 degrees on Sunday afternoon and Jack was feeling better so we took advantage of the warm weather and went to the park. It was very windy, though, so we kept Jack bundled up a bit!I can't believe that he couldn't climb this (he crawled up) just a few months ago!
Going down the "fast" slide with confidence
There were about 4 or 5 dogs at the park that day. This little doggie, Zoe, wanted Jack's attention but he was not about to stop playing and pet her. She was, after all, smaller than our cat!
"curly" slide
Jack kept saying "they're playing basketball?" So Matt walked over with him to check it out.
Running back to the slides
He looks so grown up in this picture. He lost a little weight when he was sick so his face looks thin to us (even though he's still over 35 pounds)
Jack played on this thing for the first time. We got him a Sit 'n Spin for Christmas so we told him this was the same thing and he actually tried it. Daddy spun him VERY fast and, although Jack loved it, it was scaring me a little. I kept waiting for him to get airborn!
I think his favorite part was when he was just about to fall off. You should have seen him try to walk after he got off of it... DIZZZZZY!
Learning about dinosaurs
Last trip down the slide and then we leave.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy Stinkin' New Year!

Jack has been fighting the sick-ies the last few days and seemed to be getting better, although he hadn't had any appetite . Today he was so lethargic that he couldn't even hold himself up in the bathtub (after a nighttime "accident") or keep his eyes open. We took him to the doctor and they said it's Rotavirus. ICK! Hopefully it will run it's course within a few more days. Here are a few pictures of his finer moments this week and one of him this morning sleeping like an angel (albeit a sick angel).
The Wonder Pets always seems to cheer him up!
After his bath this morning, he fell asleep in my arms on this chair. I managed to crawl out from under him so I could get myself ready for his doctor's appointment. I couldn't resist taking this picture. Poor little guy.